[Scholarship for Teachers] 2024–2025 CHED SIKAP Grant

CHED offers financial assistance to teachers through their Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program (SIKAP) grant.

CHED offers financial assistance to teachers through its Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program, also known as the CHED SIKAP scholarship.

This provides opportunities for teachers or Higher Education Institution (HEI) teaching personnel, and former HEI teacher personnel to pursue advanced studies in identified universities and colleges in the Philippines.


  • Filipino citizen.
  • Employed as a Teaching Personnel in an HEI, or have been employed as a Teaching Personnel within the last twelve (12) months with no admin or management position
  • Full-time scholars are required to submit proof from the employer that they are releasing them from all teaching or admin duties.
  • Must be pursuing a program vertically aligned to the scholar’s teaching discipline.
  • Must not hold a degree as the degree level being pursued (i.e., the doctorate must not already possess a doctorate).
  • Not more than 52 years old for a Master’s degree program.
  • Not more than 50 years old for the Doctorate program.
  • No other government-funded scholarship.

NOTE: Full-time CHED SIKAP scholars are required to study full-time with a full academic load per term. On the other hand, part-time scholars are only allowed to teach a maximum of 12 units or 20 hours of work per week with a part-time academic load.


Incomplete application requirements will NOT be considered. Also, documents submitted will NOT be returned to the applicants.

To be accomplished online

  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum Vitae

To be uploaded using the CHED template

  1. Certificate of Employment
  2. Certificate of Eligibility and Undertaking
  3. Recommendation Forms (Former Professor, Peer, and Immediate Supervisor)
  4. Medical Certificate
  5. Re-entry Action Plan

Other requirements for uploading

  1. Birth Certificate or Passport (Proof of Citizenship)
  2. Proof of Admission to the DHEI or Eligible HEI
  3. Transcript of Records (for every undergraduate, professional, and graduate/post-graduate degree attained)
  4. Release Form (for full-time study)
  5. Any Government-issued ID

Other information required

These are optional but having one or two of them will help your application positively.

  • Work experience
  • Publications
  • Academic Paper Presentations
  • Research Conducted
  • Social Work and/or Community Extension Activities
  • Training Programs Attended
  • License/s or Certifications

Implementing models

The CHED SIKAP scholarship is implemented in two (2) models. You can choose which model works best for your current situation.

  • DHEI model
  • Individual model

DHEI model

The DHEI model is for graduate programs offered by schools with signed Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) with CHED.

You may choose to enroll in an autonomous or deregulated private university or a state university with Level III status. Others choose to enroll in a program accredited as a Center of Excellence or Center of Development.

Individual model

You might wanna take this route if your chosen school doesn’t have a signed MOA with CHED but offers graduate programs that are recognized by the Commission and have a good track record.

Application process

Once you’ve decided which implementing model works best for you, here are the things that you should do next.

Step 1. Get your application number.

Step 2. Upload required documents. Scan and upload the requirements using the same online portal where you got your application number. Here are all the documents needed:

Step 3. Submit the complete scholarship package. If you applied using the DHEI model, submit your physical documents to the school institution where you’re enrolled. For the individual model, submit them to your CHED Regional Office.

Selection process

After submitting the completed documentary requirements to the University (or CHED Regional Office), CHED will evaluate and approves the final list of successful applicants.

If accepted, successful applicants must communicate their acceptance of the grant and confirm their enrollment in the approved graduate program through written acknowledgment to the CHED Regional Office and the University. 

Financial privileges and incentives

CHED SIKAP scholarship will grant you the following benefits and allowances:

  • Free tuition and other school fees
  • Monthly living allowance
  • Transportation allowance (for scholars outside their province)
  • Book allowance (yearly)
  • Thesis or dissertation allowance

Subject to the availability of funds, scholars may also avail the following:

  • Research support grant
  • Publication grant
  • Publication incentive
  • Mentor’s fee and incentive (DHEI model only)
  • Early completion incentive
  • Access to online journals
CHED SIKAP Scholarship Benefits
CHED SIKAP Scholarship Benefits
CHED SIKAP Additional Benefits
CHED SIKAP Additional Benefits


For the complete eligibility requirements and application process, refer to CHED Memorandum Order 6, s. 2020 and its implementing guidelines.

Facebook: @chedk12


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