About Us

Test Pinoy is an ad-supported online resource focusing on producing high-quality test reviewers.

Our Mission:

To help you pass your next major exam by providing the best study resources and tips for FREE.

We want to make this site a digital garden for people looking for help in passing their next major exam by having access to high-quality test prep materials.

We also provide the latest announcements, news, and updates on exam schedules and scholarship opportunities from local government and private organizations.

You’ll also get a healthy dose of study tips and inspiration to keep you going when things get tough (and they will get tough).

But don’t worry…

We’re here to help.



We’ve had some folks who asked about the technicalities of how this website was put together. We hope this section will help.

TestPinoy.com is built upon WordPress using the Blocksy Theme. The site uses Source Sans font for the body text and the headings.

Other indispensables: Gmail, iPad Pro, Lenovo Ideapad, Proton, and Visual Studio Code.