[14 Test Answers] FEMA IS-158: Hazard Mitigation Flood Insurance in Disaster Operations

Here are the final exam answers to IS-158: Hazard Mitigation Flood Insurance in Disaster Operations.

Overview: The FEMA IS-158 course was published on 11/16/2018 to provide a segue between the general hazard mitigation training provided in the introductory course and the function they will learn in a field assignment. This course will also provide an orientation to the HM functional organization and activities of the organization, sources of information for the function, important relationships, and any other critical points that are essential to the particular function.

Primary audience: The IS-158 course is for HM Insurance Specialists, HM Insurance Specialist Experts, HM Insurance Crew Leaders, and HM Floodplain Management staff.

FEMA IS-158 test answers

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Question 1. HM Insurance shares and communicates with JFO Public Affairs by which of the following? 
A. Providing accurate, timely information in response to media requests
B. Providing PA with accurate, timely information to enable PA to respond to Congressional inquiries
C. Both of the above✅

Question 2. Which of the following are recommended resources for HM Insurance? 
A. HM Disaster Workforce Website
B. HM Field Operations Guide
C. NFIP Insurance Manual
D. NFIP Community Status Book
E. All of the above✅

Question 3. When collaborating with key partners post-disaster, HM Insurance provides which of the following services? 
A. Serve as the JFO point of coordination and resource on all hazards insurance
B. Promote community participation in the NFIP
C. Promote compliance with NFIP regulations during disaster response and recovery
D. Provide insurance information to local, state, tribal, and JFO partners
E. All of the above✅

Question 4. HM Insurance staff is often the first source of NFIP insurance information for both internal and external entities during a disaster. 

Question 5. In all disasters, HM Insurance staff provide flood insurance information and assistance when collaborating with key partners. These key partners include which of the following: 
A. The public
B. HM co-workers
C. Other JFO organizations
D. State government
E. Local government
F. All of the above✅

Question 6. The National Flood Insurance Act (1968) created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) making flood insurance available to communities that adopt floodplain management regulations. 

Question 7. The most effective way to build and maintain relationships in and out of the Hazard Mitigation organization is: 
A. To answer questions after the interaction (through email) rather than during the interaction, to avoid wasting time
B. Through clear and frequent communication✅
C. To schedule meeting times and places that are most convenient for the Hazard Mitigation Floodplain Management staff
D. To tell stakeholders to read FEMA regulations

Question 8. Elimination of subsidized premium rates for flood insurance was one of the primary purposes of which of the following? 
A. Executive Orders 11988 and 11990
B. Flood Disaster Protection Act, 1973✅
C. Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act 2014
D. Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, 2012

Question 9. Protection of wetlands is the exclusive responsibility of local government, as covered in 44 CFR Parts 1, 2, and 3 

Question 10. Trust is essential to accomplishing FEMA’s mission and to meeting the goals of Hazard Mitigation. 

Question 11. The Federal statute that was intended to reduce the number of repetitive NFIP claims while also reducing flood losses and costs associated with insurance claims is the: 
A. National Flood Insurance Act, 1968✅
B. Flood Disaster Protection Act, 1973
C. National Flood Insurance Reform Act, 1994
D. National Flood Insurance Reform Act, 2004

Question 12. Which of the following made the purchase of flood insurance mandatory for the protection of properties located in Special Flood Hazard Areas? 
A. Flood Disaster Protection Act, 1973✅
B. Executive Orders 11988 and 11990
C. Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, 2012
D. Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act 2014

Question 13. HM Insurance shares and communicates NFIP information with HM Community Education and Outreach (CEO) by which of the following? 
A. Responding to requests for basic insurance information from HM CEO Specialists at Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) and other outreach venues✅
B. Assisting individual policyholders visiting a DRC with general and specific flood insurance information regarding their claims.
C. Providing general program information to CEO staff as requested
D. All of the Above

Question 14. The primary responsibilities of HM Insurance staff in disaster operations are to share and communicate NFIP flood insurance information 

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