[6 Answers] FEMA IS-1152: Blue Campaign First Responder Training

Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-1152: Blue Campaign First Responder Training.

Overview: The FEMA IS-1152 course was published on 11/17/2021 and was designed specifically for the first responder personnel to understand what human trafficking is, who can become a victim, and how you can play a role in identifying and responding to suspected victims. As a first responder, you are often first on the scene in an emergency. This gives you the unique opportunity to notice signs of human trafficking.

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FEMA IS-1152 test answers

Question 1. Which of the following is NOT an environmental indicator of human trafficking? 
A. Someone doesn’t have any identification with them.✅ 
B. Deprivation of food, water, sleep, or other life necessities.
C. The person has bruises in various stages of healing.
D. The person avoids eye contact and seems fearful.

Question 2. Which of the following is NOT true of human trafficking? 
A. It is a highly profitable crime.
B. Human trafficking and human smuggling are different crimes.
C. A minor under the age of 18 who is engaged in commercial sex is only a victim of human trafficking if force or coercion is involved.
D. Only women and children can be victims of human trafficking.✅

Question 3. You are responding to a call when you notice several children in the home. Which of the following may indicate that they are a victim of human trafficking? 
A. They are concerned about getting to basketball practice on time.
B. They are nervous or fearful of discussing their injuries or problems.✅
C. They are shy around new adults.
D. They are playing rough with each other and not concerned about what is going on.

Question 4. Which of the following best describes human trafficking? 
A. Moving a willing individual across international borders in order to fulfill a job.
 B. When an individual is exploited through force, fraud, or coercion to perform forced labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sex.✅
C. Kidnapping and holding someone against their will.
D. Illegal transportation of a person across an international border.

Question 5. Which of these is the least likely location to encounter potential human trafficking? 
A. A house where various people are constantly coming and going.
B. An overcrowded home with boarded-up windows and extra locks.
C. A large home with only one resident.✅
D. A busy restaurant off of a major highway frequented by travelers.

Question 6. Which is NOT an indicator of human trafficking? 
A. The victim shows signs of fear or nervousness.
B. The victim shows signs of physical abuse or torture.
C. The victim is allowed to travel and move freely.✅
D. The victim is not in control of their own money or travel documents.