[29 Test Answers] FEMA IS-845A: NEMIS HMGP System, Oversight and Closeout

Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-845.A: NEMIS HMGP System: Oversight and Closeout.

Overview: The FEMA IS-845.A course was published on 1/10/2018 to provide a way to administer Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) information and grant applications.

Primary audience: The IS-845.A course is for the whole community to do the following: perform project and program oversight tasks; complete project closeout entries; perform the final project closeout; perform program closeout in NEMIS HMGP; generate standard HMGP reports.

FEMA IS-845.A test answers

Each time this test is loaded, you will receive a unique set of questions and answers. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam.

Question 1. Which tool generates a variety of standard HMGP reports? 
A. The HMGP Project Tool✅
B. The NEMIS-Wide Management Reporting Tool
C. The MT Report Generator
D. The Closeout Validation Tool

Question 2. How many disasters can be monitored in one standard HMGP report? 
A. As many as needed
B. One✅
C. Two
D. Three

Question 3. Once the DISASTER CLOSEOUT button is selected, the program can never be reopened. 

Question 4. The HMGP module provides a way for users to administer Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grants. 

Question 5. Who should be contacted if users cannot find the latest version of the NEMIS HMGP User Manual? 
A. the Preliminary Damage Assessment POC
B. The Mitigation POC✅
C. The Declaration POC
D. The Emergency Support POC

Question 6. Where can users search for the latest version of the HMA Unified Guidance? 
A. On their local library’s website
B. In their favorite search engine
C. In the NEMIS HMGP Help Menu
D. On the super circular website✅

Question 7. Which statement describes one reason why users must determine if a project meets the conditions for closeout? 
A. Voided projects must be zeroed out before continuing.
B. Closeout validation errors must be addressed before continuing.✅
C. All pending amendments must be voided before continuing.
D. Approved projects must continue directly to disbursal of funds.

Question 8. Which sequence of steps shows how to attach and link field surveys to a project? 
A. Link the survey to the project, review the information, and create the title.
B. Create the title, link the survey to the project, and review the information.
C. Review the information, create the title, and link the survey to the project.
D. Create the title, review the information, and link the survey to the project.✅

Question 9. To make sure you have the latest copy of the User Manual, you should search the FEMA website using the following search term: 
A. HMA User Manual
B. Mitigation
C. HMGP Lifecycle
D. NEMIS HMGP User Manual✅

Question 10. What must be the balance of the Current Project Federal Share before project closeout? 
A. More than 20%
B. zero✅
C. Less than 10%
D. Less than 15%

Question 11. Which reports can be generated from the Mitigation screen by selecting the Admin tab? 
A. Cross-disaster reports
B. Benefit-Cost Reports✅
C. Environmental reports
D. Funding estimates

Question 12. In the HMGP Closeout Date (Reconciliation) field, enter the date when FEMA HQ notified the Regional Office that: 
A. the recipient received the funds.
B. the program is closed.✅
C. the project is closed.
D. the disaster is closed.

Question 13. What is the Super Circular (2 CFR Part 200)? 
A. It describes the procedures states should follow when appealing federal awards decisions.
B. It sets standard requirements for federal award management.✅
C. It provides eight separate sets of guidance for award management.
D. It provides flexibility to agencies to follow their own award management procedures.

Question 14. Which conditions must be met before projects with an “Approved” status can be closed out? 
A. Project activities have been completed
B. Project funds have been reconciled
C. Reporting requirements have been met
D. A, B, and C✅
E. A and B only
F. B and C only

Question 15. How does the process for creating a subsequent quarterly report avoid duplicating effort? 
A. The subsequent report overwrites information in the previous report.
B. Information from the previous report is replicated in the subsequent report.
C. Only new information fields are included in the subsequent report.✅
D. The subsequent report can bypass any validation processes.

Question 16. Which statement describes the sequence in which the HMGP disaster must be closed out? 
A. Project closeout must be initiated after both disaster and program closeout are complete.
B. Project closeout occurs prior to program closeout, which occurs prior to disaster closeout.✅
C. Disaster closeout must be initiated prior to either project or program closeout.
D. Program closeout occurs prior to project closeout, which occurs prior to disaster closeout.

Question 17. How often is the NEMIS HMGP User Manual updated? 
A. Infrequently
B. Regularly✅
C. Annually
D. Weekly

Question 18. Who are the primary users of the NEMIS HMGP system? 
A. Preparedness staff
B. Mitigation staff✅
C. eGrants staff
D. Response staff

Question 19. Where can users find an approved template for a quarterly report spreadsheet? 
A. The NEMIS HMGP User Manual✅
B. Their Mitigation POC
C. The Response and Recovery branch
D. The HMA Guidance

Question 20. Which functionality allows NEMIS HMGP users to track tasks? 
A. Generate work packets✅
B. Attach documents
C. Add comments
D. Edit text

Question 21. Which step occurs after FEMA HQ closes the FEMA-State agreement and sends the memorandum to the FEMA Regional Office? 
A. The Smartlink date is entered in NEMIS HMGP.
B. The Disaster Closeout Date is entered in NEMIS HMGP.✅
C. The PROJECT CLOSEOUT button is clicked in NEMIS HMGP.
D. The GAR sends the closeout request letter.

Question 22. NEMIS supports emergency management at a disaster site by integrating mitigation and planning operations with: 
A. Emergency response operations✅
B. FEMA programs and disaster assistance
C. Predisaster mitigation grants
D. Floodplain management grants

Question 23. Which module of NEMIS is the HMGP system? 
A. Preliminary Damage Assessment
B. Declaration
C. Mitigation✅
D. Emergency Support

Question 24. The National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) is a database system used to track disaster data for FEMA and recipient emergency management offices. 

Question 25. Which user role is generally authorized to execute the task to close out the project? 
A. Program Head (PH)✅
B. Hazard Mitigation Officer (HMO)
C. Environmental Officer (ENVOF)
D. MT Analyst (MA)

Question 26. Which reports must be prepared with the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)? 
A. Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plans
B. Ad-hoc and cross-disaster reports✅
C. Environmental reports
D. Funding estimates and allocation requests

Question 27. Where can users find the financial information needed to close out a project? 
A. From the Subrecipient
B. In the Final Financial Report✅
C. In the FEMA/State Agreement
D. In the HMGP Financials tab

Question 28. Terminology changes in the Super Circular updates (Title 2, CFR, Part 200) include: 
A. Petitioner instead of Grantee
B. Subapplicant instead of Grantee
C. Recipient instead of Grantee✅
D. Appellant instead of Claimant

Question 29. Global matching is executed if the project has a Federal share other than: 
A. 90%
B. 25%
C. 50%✅
D. 75%

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