[26 Test Answers] FEMA IS-558: Public Works and Disaster Recovery

Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-558: Public Works and Disaster Recovery.

Overview: FEMA IS-558 course was published on 10/31/2013 to explain how public work is involved in disaster recovery. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the role of public works during the recovery period
  • Explain how and why public works should plan for recovery
  • Describe the primary areas that should be included when public works is planning for recovery
  • Describe effective communication and coordination practices during the recovery period
  • Select a course of action based on information in a recovery plan
  • Identify opportunities for achieving recovery goals

Primary audience: Public works professionals, urban planners, local government officials.

FEMA IS-558 test answers

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Question 1. Managing volunteers falls primarily under which type of administrative consideration for recovery planning?
A. Financial considerations
B. Staffing considerations✅
C. Legal considerations
D. Documentation considerations

Question 2. During the implementation and maintenance of the recovery plan, what is most likely to assist in the development of lessons learned and ensure accountability of the expenditure of public funds?
A. Communication with the public
B. Posting the recovery framework online
C. Continued revisions of the plan
D. Documentation of project implementation✅

Question 3. Which of the following statements regarding the avenues for acquiring additional resources to assist with recovery needs is most accurate?
A. When additional resources are needed, the agency should first consider redirecting existing in-house resources.
B. Local laws often prevent the establishment of procurement procedures prior to an event.
C. Efforts should be made to use outside resources before depleting local resources.✅
D. Mutual aid should be the last avenue for acquiring additional resources.

Question 4. Which of the following is most likely to be a recovery activity led by public works?
A. Establishing a health and safety plan
B. Search and rescue
C. Removing and managing debris✅
D. Securing damaged neighborhoods

Question 5. Which of the following is a function of the Recovery Task Force (RTF) or Long Term Recovery Committee (LTRC)?
A. Identifying possible mitigation opportunities
B. Enforcing building codes and ordinances✅
C. Coordinating first responders
D. Implementing the recovery plan

Question 6. Which of the following statements best describes the function of public works in providing key services to the community?
A. Various public works functions, such as utilities, sanitation, and municipal engineering, provide a wide range of key services.✅
B. The main function of public works is to repair and maintain roads and highways.
C. Public works functions usually fall under the jurisdiction of the state government.
D. Public works functions include all community services not performed by private companies.

Question 7. Which of the following is an example of critical infrastructure and key resources for which public works may have responsibility during recovery?
A. Reconstructing bridges✅
B. Restocking retail stores
C. Acquiring medical supplies
D. Staffing hotels

Question 8. Which of the following best describes how inspection services contribute to the recovery process?
A. Inspection services allow for accurate risk and vulnerability assessments used in recovery planning.
B. Inspection services determine the proper course of action for damaged buildings or facilities.✅
C. Providing inspection services to private individuals is a valuable funding resource.
D. Without inspection services the recovery process would take a substantially longer period of time.

Question 9. Which of the following best describes the difference between the Public Assistance Program (PA) and Individual Assistance Program (IA)?
A. IA programs will reimburse individuals up to 75% of their eligible, disaster-related expenses and PA programs cover no more than 50% of a state, local, or tribal government’s expenses.
B. IA programs provide assistance for individuals in a disaster where a state is overwhelmed and PA programs partially reimburse the state, local, and tribal governments for eligible disaster costs.✅
C. Public Assistance is part of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act whereas Individual Assistance is funded by other sources.
D. Public Assistance provides assistance to any members of the general public and has a much broader scope whereas Individual Assistance is determined on a case-by-case basis and has more eligibility requirements.

Question 10. Right-of-way clearance, recycling efforts, hazardous materials, and contracting for services are all components that need to be considered in what type of plan?
A. Mitigation plan
B. Public safety and health plan
C. Debris management plan✅
D. Critical infrastructure management plan

Question 11. Which of the following is the best explanation of how risk and vulnerability assessment information is used for recovery planning?
A. Recovery planning utilizes risk and vulnerability assessment information as a backup to other plans.
B. Risk and vulnerability assessment information drive the planning process by identifying needed information to be gathered by the planning team.✅
C. Risk and vulnerability assessment information allow for the application of information gathered in one community to others nearby.
D. Recovery planning utilizes risk and vulnerability assessment information to assist with every process except for estimating losses.

Question 12. Which of the following choices is NOT an example of support services that public works may provide to other agencies during the recovery period?
A. Continuing community-wide damage assessment
B. Providing technical and engineering services
C. Estimating costs and making temporary repairs
D. Revising the community emergency operations plan✅

Question 13. How might the public works agency be involved in protecting public safety and health during the recovery period?
A. Developing private contracts
B. Enforcing traffic laws and issuing citations
C. Gathering statistics on illnesses
D. Providing emergency power for shelters.✅

Question 14. Which of the following components are considered necessary for the health and welfare of the population of the community and therefore receive high priority in recovery efforts?
A. Environmental Impacts
B. Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources✅
C. Economic Impacts
D. Risk and Vulnerability Assessments

Question 15. Which of the following best describes the benefits of mitigation planning?
A. Mitigation planning is the best method for preventing future disaster events and ensuring the health and safety of the community.
B. Mitigation planning is the most cost-effective measure a community can take in the process of planning for recovery.
C. Mitigation planning increases the potential of a community to recover economic losses from a disaster event by involving stakeholders with the necessary resources for recovery.
D. Mitigation planning reduces the impact of future events and benefits the community through reducing future losses and needs for a response, increasing funding eligibility, and strengthening community partnerships.✅

Question 16. Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding information that should be communicated to the public during recovery?
A. The public should be aware of where and how to gather information about the recovery process.
B. Information that should be communicated to the public during recovery includes recovery plans within the community.
C. Potential life safety issues should not be communicated since they may pose a risk of panic.✅
D. Information should be disseminated through news releases, public service announcements, and social media.

Question 17. While repairing a bridge damaged by flooding, public works officials conclude that replacing an older culvert with a larger one would allow more water to pass and lessen the chance of future damage to the bridge. Which of the following is considered an ‘on-the-spot’ mitigation program that would allow public works to implement this mitigation action while repairing the impacted structure?
A. Public Assistance Section 406 Mitigation (Section 406)✅
B. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
C. Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program
D. Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP)

Question 18. Which of the following statements regarding intra-agency communication is true?
A. During recovery, public works should wait for the public information officer to request information before sending it.
B. During recovery, public works information is often some of the most important an emergency manager can receive.✅
C. Information on financial impacts is an unnecessary intra-agency communication.
D. Intra-agency communication is far less important than communication with the public.

Question 19. When planning for recovery, who should be included on the public works planning team?
A. Elected officials at both the state and local level, emergency management representatives, and a cross-section of community members
B. Public works agency supervisors or functional directors, as well as additional stakeholders or partners like emergency management representatives, private utilities, and corresponding state agencies✅
C. Only public works agency supervisors or functional directors, representing roads and bridges, utilities, facilities, sanitation, parks, fleet management, and other public works functions
D. Any public works agency employee who is interested, representatives from other community agencies and departments, and local government representatives

Question 20. Which of the following is the best example of the information that should be gathered by a disaster recovery planning team in order to develop the recovery plan?
A. Staffing information, legal information, financial information, documentation information
B. Community-wide recovery plan, other area public works recovery plans, Federal recovery planning requirements
C. Pre-event priorities, availability of resources, jurisdictional responsibilities, risk and vulnerability assessments, community-wide recovery plan✅
D. Analysis of effects from past events and predictions of future events

Question 21. Which of the following is the best advice in regard to involving the public in the recovery process?
A. Social media has more potential to harm the recovery process than help it.
B. Involving the public in the recovery process should be limited since this often leads to a lack of clarity and focus.
C. Public information efforts should be kept agency-specific so that your message is not confused with that of other organizations and jurisdictions.
D. Town hall meetings and public surveys help bring valuable input and yield more community support.✅

Question 22. When choosing a feasible, sustainable recovery project, which of the following is a valid statement?
A. A system should be established to review potential projects using criteria such as quality of life, community support, and hazard mitigation value.✅
B. Selection of projects should be put to a vote whenever possible.
C. Projects that can be achieved quickly should be held off to allow long-term projects to begin.
D. It is better to fund many small projects rather than only a few large ones.

Question 23. Which of the following is NOT an example of public works providing support in protecting the environment?
A. Debris management
B. Clearing and cleaning canals and other storm drainage systems
C. Enforcement of curfews✅
D. Coastal management, such as beach re-nourishment

Question 24. Which of the following would be the most effective non-structural mitigation strategy that a community might implement after a flood event?
A. Building code revision✅
B. Land acquisition
C. Hardened buildings
D. Relocation of infrastructure

Question 25. Which of the following would probably be the LEAST effective method for the public works agency to coordinate recovery efforts with those of the community?
A. Inquire about and attend all recovery meetings in the community.
B. Assign one or more recovery liaison(s).
C. Subscribe to all recovery function email lists.
D. Make the public works recovery plan available if anyone asks for it.✅

Question 26. Which of the following statements regarding public works and the importance of planning for recovery is most accurate?
A. Planning for recovery can help reduce future losses to public works facilities and systems.✅
B. Recovery planning is important although it is not very cost-effective.
C. Planning for recovery is a process best left to other agencies.
D. Public works recovery plans are required in order to receive any federal disaster assistance.