[8 Test Answers] FEMA IS-1013: Costing – Estimates and the Cost Estimating Format

Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-1013: Costing - Estimates and the Cost Estimating Format.

Overview: The FEMA IS-1013 course was published on 2/28/2019 to provide an overview of costing and the Cost Estimating Format. By the end of the course, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Applicants and Recipients will be able to understand all aspects of costing and the Cost Estimating Format.

FEMA IS-1013 test answers

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Question 1. Which of the following is a benefit of using the Cost Estimating Format tool? 
A. It does not require the use of construction industry classifications.
B. It records cost estimates for both permanent and non-permanent work.
C. It promotes consistency and the development of more inclusive estimates.✅
D. It provides a standard framework for cost estimates across all types of federal grants.

Question 2. When validating cost estimates, what does FEMA’s review focus on? 
A. Cost eligibility, cost reasonableness, and cost inflation factors✅
B. Cost eligibility, cost comprehensiveness, and cost reasonableness
C. Cost documentation, cost eligibility, and cost comprehensiveness
D. Cost documentation, cost comprehensiveness, and cost inflation factors

Question 3. What does Part A of the Cost Estimating Format tool document? 
A. As-bid costs
B. Non-construction project costs
C. Base construction costs✅
D. Construction-related costs

Question 4. Which of the following is a reason why cost estimates are important in the Public Assistance program? 
A. They allow for quicker disbursal of funding.
B. They provide guidelines for Public Assistance spending.
C. They facilitate rapid adjustments to funding.
D. They are the basis for project scopes of work.✅

Question 5. What do Parts F–H of the Cost Estimating Format tool document? 
A. As-bid costs
B. Non-construction project costs
C. Base construction costs
D. Construction-related costs✅

Question 6. What do Parts B–E of the Cost Estimating Format tool document? 
A. As-bid costs
B. Non-construction project costs✅
C. Base construction costs
D. Construction-related costs

Question 7. Which of the following is a use of the Cost Estimating Format? 
A. Ensuring all cost estimates are made using FEMA cost codes
B. Creating a scope of work for repairing or replacing damaged facilities
C. Estimating the costs of emergency work (Categories A–B)
D. Conducting cost and price analyses for permanent, restorative work (Categories C–G)✅

Question 8. When should the Cost Estimating Format tool be used? 
A. For Emergency Work (Categories A–B)
B. For projects over 90% complete
C. For Large projects✅
D. For Small projects